You will need:
- Stackable Pill Box
- Colored beads
Therapy Corner:
When working on fine motor skills it is important that your child learn how to use both sides of his hand simultaneously and in a coordinated manner. In a nutshell, you want the first 2-3 fingers of the hand (which includes the thumb aka the radial side of the hand) to do the work/movement while the last 2-3 digits of the hand work as stabilizers (aka. ulnar side of the hand).
With that said, we work on:
Nesting Skills (i.e. picking up small items with fingers and placing them in the palm of the hand)
Retrieving Retrieving (i.e transferring small items from the palm of the hand to the tip of the fingers)
The Activity:

Once the beads are placed in the container, get your child to use one hand to twist it closed from the top of the stackable pill box. This will help develop the arches of the hand.