Playing with your Children
Playing with children has always come so naturally to me that I never realized that it’s not something that feels natural to MOST parents! It’s only once I had my
Author: Nancy Amar
Playing with children has always come so naturally to me that I never realized that it’s not something that feels natural to MOST parents! It’s only once I had my
What does it mean to become the observer and how does this serve me as a parent (and as a human on this planet!) This concept has been coming up
The past two weeks I’ve been working on a Holiday Gift Project with my vocational skills students. I can’t begin to tell you how excited they were when they
Are we teaching our children to think inside or outside the box? Is there a box?! ; ) An important social skill for our children is flexibility. Many children can
The Role you Play in Your Child’s Regulation. Regulation is a tricky thing. We take for granted all the pieces that have to come together in order to see our
What is an emotion? An emotion is a guidance scale to let us know how far apart we are from our true selves. At its core our true nature is
As a life-long advocate for children’s wellbeing, this is a very real and vulnerable share for me but I know that many of my kids have been feeling the same
Many therapists and parents place a lot of emphasis on children making eye contact. The reason for this being that eye contact in our society represents interest, respect, fondness, attention,
Our children experience their reality very differently than the way we experienced our youth – They are asked to “grow up” more quickly than we did and are exposed early
Let’s talk about core strength. Why is it so important handwriting and other classroom skills? Our core includes not only our abs but also our lower back muscles. When a child’s
The only moment we have is NOW. We can’t wait for circumstances to be perfect in order to show up as the parent we want to be for our children.
If there’s one thing that covid has been teaching us it’s that safety is an inside job amidst all these uncertainties. It’s difficult to give children definite answers as the
Transitions are not always so simple. Compounded by the fact that parents are pressed for time to get routines completed, this can turn into a tantrum-meltdown disaster. The more tools
Now that school is back in session, a good night’s sleep is crucial for your child’s wellbeing. According to John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, studies show that kids who regularly
A functional pencil grasp is one that: Allows a child to move his fingers rather than his whole hand/arm Allows a child to complete handwriting tasks without too much pressure
Back to school in person is finally happening this year. Many of our children have been online for schooling and being back in the classroom can create a sense of
Tips from an OT so that you don’t have to call on us! 1. Play outdoors in nature Nature is the greatest teacher and the greatest healer. Children in nature
What our children need the most this summer is to have fun and just be kids! This past school year has been challenging for them on many levels. Taking a
The beauty of our world is its diversity yet as young children we are taught to conform and not stand out. We’re almost afraid of being different than our peers.
Parents have been asking me the same question over the past 2 weeks…Where do I sign up my child for the summer? What is the best camp or activity to
Introducing Lil’ Wally the Weighted Worm! I have been going to schools for the last 10 years and many teachers ask me advice for the same thing: How do I
Miss Mancy Summer classes at the Social Mind Center have been doing great! The kids are really enjoying everything they are getting their hands on! I wanted to share with
Crayon review: Coloring is a great way to work on so many important skills: strengthens a tripod grasp (when crayon is held correctly) child works on important motor coordination skills
You know I’m always looking for fun inexpensive and light ways (I travel to schools) to use children’s favorite toys and tools to teach important skills. Balloons are one of
Here is a list of my Top 10 Fine Motor Tools along with activities you can do with your little ones. 1. Clothes Pins Therapeutic Benefit: Strengthens muscles used for
As an OT I get the opportunity to visit many schools in South Florida. Teachers ask me all the time how to implement sensory components in their classrooms. Here is
Parents ask me all the time how to motivate their child to learn a new skill that they have no interest in learning. I usually like children to learn skills
I have always been torn by the idea of Autism awareness or awareness of any other label for that matter. On the one hand, healing begins with awareness but on
What do I mean by that? I’d like to recount a known story about Thomas Edison. (not sure if it’s a true story but it definitely drives the point home!)
When I ask parents What has Autism taught you? They almost always answer “Unconditional Love” (and “patience”!!!). The very first step in raising a child with or without Autism is
I can’t begin to tell you how many times I hear teachers and parents who call me for advice to help a child that can’t sit still in the classroom.
We don’t always realize the importance of the surface we write on. Paper is an important piece of the puzzle to mastering handwriting. Consider the following: Blank piece of white
Once a week, I work at the Social Mind Center where I teach several classes of Messy Art. The challenge is to find art projects for children with very different
You Will Need: Plastic Sleeves (You can purchase plastic sleeves here on MissMancy’s Shop or comes included in MissMancy’s Handwriting Starter Kit.) Dry Erase Marker (You can purchase dry erase marker here on MissMancy’s Shop or
Sticker Fun: Cutting on sticker: place stickers on circular shape and instruct your child to cut through each sticker when cutting. This will teach him to turn and cut. To
What you will need: Pencil weight (You can purchase here on MissMancy’s Shop or comes included in MissMancy’s Handwriting Starter Kit) Benefits of a Pencil Weight: There is a definite advantage to weighing
One of the most efficient tools you can purchase to help your child with proper grasp on writing tools is by far an easel! The reason for this is that
These past few days my mind has been occupied by the mass shooting in Parkland, FL. Being that I live in Miami, it’s not difficult to come across someone that
This is my favorite time of the year!!! Back to school!!! I get to do what I love the most! Giving workshops to all the wonderful teachers that I work
Back to School is around the corner and it’s already here for some of our kids! Miss Mancy is back to school to and ready to get back into blogging!
Working in the schools for many years, I see that teachers have less and less time to work one-on-one with a child that has fine motor difficulties. I therefore try to
Use lots of visuals!!! Use manipulatives ex: pegs, cubes, number line. For younger children, I suggest you using loose cubes rather than the cubes that click together to connect. I
1. Veggie Art This is a wonderful activity for all skill levels. I have done this with very young children as well as with my older groups and they all
The parents I work with always ask me for a list of suggested toys for Hanukah or Christmas so this year I put together a little list for different age
1- Create a fall scene using stickers This is a great activity for little ones. Peeling stickers has the advantage of working on pincer strength (an important component of dexterity) while
I think my favorite challenge as an OT (and lover of crafts) is to find an inexpensive, easy to find item and come up with as many creative uses for
Here are some of my favorite fine motor tools that all teachers should consider incorporating in their classrooms when creating stations. These tools work on finger strength, pincer grasp, pincer
I wanted to share a few tips of the trade when teaching handwriting to young children. There are several approaches but mine has always been eclectic and varies greatly depending
You Will Need From Your Kit: Butterfly cut out hole puncher Ribbon (make sure to cut 10 inches for the door hanger activity in your kit) Stickers You can purchase
You will Need From Your Kit: Pipe cleaners body and head Beads Wing drawings on thick stock paper You can purchase this activity as a part of MissMancy’s Summer Days Kit
1. Begin with good scissors. i.e the blade is not too long, scissors are easy to open. Use Left-handed scissors for left- handed children (the blade opens up on the
1- Tic tac toe: I’m a huge fan of tic tac toe. It’s a great motor planning/problem solving game. You can use bean bags or 2 different colored items to
Here are 10 Great Ways that I like to use Wikki Stix 1-Place it around the top end of crayons to give children a visual and tactile cue as to
One of my projects has been to work in collaboration with designer Deborah Dimare to create Sensory Smart Spaces for children with ASD and with Sensory Sensitivities. We were featured
You Will Need: A wand Round Thumbtack Small magnet I put a round tip thumbtack and secured it with hot glue on one end and a small magnet on the
Therapeutic Corner: Buttoning is a bilateral coordination skill as it requires both hands to do work simultaneously. Many children have difficulty with this task so I break it down in
1- Vowel Search: Write a vowel and hide it in an egg, once your child finds an egg with a letter they must name the 2 sounds this letter makes
You Will Need: Different colored alphabet stickers Different colored markers Lined paper (you can print here) The Activity: Fun and simple way to work on handwriting skills. I begin by
You will need: An empty Tissue box Black, white and Orange Construction paper Straws OR Adaptive chopsticks (You can purchase here at MissMancy’s SHOP) Tissue paper The Activity: This is
10 stocking stuffers (Most items are available on MissMancy’s SHOP) #1 Squiggle Wiggle pens #2 Pop tubes #3 Tennis Ball and coins #4 Squigglet #5 Putty #6 Buttoning activity #7 Stickers
Parents ask me all the time to recommend toys for the Holidays. So here is a little list of some of my favorite games that work on a fine motor
Shaving cream is such a fun sensory experience for your child. For children that demonstrate tactile defensiveness, I would only introduce this activity once a child trusts you and knows
LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!!! This is such a fun way to teach letter formation to young children with a Halloween twist! You can purchase this activity on MissMancy’s Shop. Draw
What You Need: Paper with Tic Tac Toe grid drawn on it Bingo Daubers (You can purchase at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) The Activity: This is such a fun way to
Erasers Mini Pentel eraser comes included in MissMancy’s Handwriting Starter Kit. Available for purchase on this site. We pay so much attention on handwriting that we forget how important the ERASING is!
The Special Pencil A mechanical pencil comes included in MissMancy’s Handwriting Starter Kit I don’t know about you but I always love to write with a mechanical pencil! The writing always seams
Tricks of the trade Comes included in MissMancy’s Handwriting Starter Kit. Available for purchase on this site. We always want children to keep their pencils and crayons in the webspace
Great Grippers It’s normal for young children to use a fisted grasp on crayons (A,B on figure) however we want to make sure that they progress from holding a crayon
Start with Stability In therapy we talk about the 90-90-90 rule. This means that when seated at a desk, we want to ensure the following: Feet flat on the floor
Get a Grip on Pencil Grasps I realize through my career in pediatrics that more and more children are referred to OT for poor handwriting. I truly believe that this
You Will Need: Many pop tubes Available for purchase at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop The Activities: 1-Pull open pop tubes at shoulder level or overhead and then spinning it around in
You will need: Large Push Pins Cork board Rubber bands MATCHING Worksheet You can purchase this activity exclusively on MissMancy’s Shop The Activity: This is a wonderful way to work
You will need: Sheets of felt including brown and 6 different colors 1 large button 15 inch long gingham ribbon You can purchase this activity exclusively at MissMancy’s Shop Preparing
You will need: Tennis ball with a 2 inch slit (and wiggly eyes glued on using a hot glue gun) 12 Small coins Textured inflatable disc (Available for purchase at
You will need: Stackable Pill Box Colored beads You can purchase this activity exclusively at MissMancy’s Shop Therapy Corner: When working on fine motor skills it is important that your
You will need: Colored jumbo paper clips Cue cards cut in half (or 3 X 3 inch square piece of construction paper) You can purchase this activity exclusively at MissMancy’s
You will need: Wiggle pen (Available for purchase here at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Paper and Marker The Activity: This is a great way to strengthen your child’s grasp on a
You will need: Print out or drawing of a ladybug with spots Playdoh This activity is available fro purchase exclusively at MissMancy’s Shop Therapy Corner: When working on fine motor
You will need: Play-doh Birthday candles Plastic play knife, spatula and plates (optional) You can purchase all this entire activity right here exclusively at MissMancy’s Shop Therapy Corner: When working
You will need: Colorful necklaces (available for purchase at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Exercise ball (available for purchase at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Therapy Corner: Many of the children that OTs work with have
What you will need: Stylus (I like this one by TARGUS…available at Missmancy’s AMAZON Shop) Gripper Tricks of the Trade: iPads and iPhones are wonderful learning tools. They offer many wonderful
You will need: Farm animals on a string (This one is from ALEX toys available for purchase at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Exercise Ball (Purchase at your local Sports Store) The
You will need: Scissors (I like Fiskars best..available for purchase at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Heavy stock paper or construction paper Markers or crayons The Activity: Here is a really fun way
You will need: Clear Plastic Sleeve (I purchased this one locally at ACE School Supplies) Clear Plastic sheet protectors (Easier to find…You can purchase at any Office Supply Store) Dry
You will need: Spin to Win Game (This is an old game but you can play the same game with BeyBlades at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) The Activity: There are certain
You will need: Grabber (You can purchase a similar one here on MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Foam letters (You can purchase these Dora letters here on MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) The Activity: This is a
You will need: Make and Break Game (Available here for purchase at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Scooter board (Available here for purchase at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) The Activity: I love finding activities that combine
You will need: Bendaroos or Wikki Stix (both available here at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop ) Crayons The Activity: A great way to teach children to color in the lines is
You will need: Lite Brite (I like the smaller version; most children don’t have the patience to complete a large detailed picture…available here at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Construction paper Scissors
You will need: Magnetic wand (available at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Magnetic Bingo Chips (available at MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Alphabet Stickers (purchase at Target) The Activity: I love teaching nesting and retrieving skills to
You will need: Thera-putty (I like orange…available here on MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) Plastic monkeys (or any small items available here on MissMancy’s AMAZON Shop) The Activity: Ask any therapist, they will