You will need:Β
- Sheets of felt including brown and 6 different colors
- 1 large button
- 15 inch long gingham ribbon
Preparing the Activity:
Cut one piece of brown felt into the shape of a triangle for the cone. Cut out 6 different colored ice cream scoops. Sew a button to one end of the ribbon and the brown felt triangle to other end of the ribbon.
The Activity:
This is a really fun way to teach your child how to open and close buttons; an important fine motor/self-care skill. I like to lay out the ice cream scoops on a table and play a sequencing game to test their auditory memory. For example, I say: “Place blue, green then yellow…Go!”.
You can also draw an ice cream cone on paper with a specific order of colored scoops and ask your child to create an identical replica. This works on matching and sequencing skills.
Once all the ice cream scoops are inserted, line them up and enjoy your ice cream!!!